The CCS C compiler supports the microchip PIC12X. PIC16X, PIC18X and dsPIC device.
- PCB Compiler supports PIC16C5X
- PCM Compiler supports PIC16C6X, 7X, 77X, 8X, 8XX & 9X.
- Built in libraries for all PICs, RS232, I/O, I2C, and delay.
- Integrates with MPLAB and other simulators/emulators for source level debugging
- Formatted print allows easy formatting in Hex or Dec.
- Efficient function implementation allows call trees deeper than the hardware stack
- Access to hardware from C functions: Timers, A/D, E2, SSP, PSP, I2C
- 18 and 16 bit types
- Assembly code may be inserted anywhere in source and may reference C variables
- Automatic linking handles multiple code pages
- Inline procedures supported to save stack space, linker automatically determines optimum architecture
- Standard one bit type (short int) permits the compiler to generate efficient bit oriented code
- #BIT and #BYTE allow C variables to be placed at absolute addresses to map to C variables
- IRQ procedures supported on PCM. Start-up and clean-up code is generated
- Updates via modem for 30 days included
The CCS C compiler is one of the C compiler that manufactured by CCS. C compiler is a computer program or set of program that transforms source code written in a computer language (C++ language) into another computer language (binary form).
When you want to use the CCS C compiler,
- First you have to download the CCS C Compiler.
- After that, double click the PIC C compiler icon on the desktop.
- Click at the file picture on the left top of the PCW
- Then open the new file by clicking new-source file.
- Create your own program.
- After your program is complete, compile the program to make sure that there is no error. If there is an error of your programmig, you have to modified your program so that, the error will gone. If not, you cannot execute the program into the PIC.
To burn your program to the IC, you have to place the IC to the IC socket and connect the IC socket to the PIC programmer. By using the WinPIC 800 software, execute the program into the PIC. The IC socket and PIC programmer is one of the cytron product. You can buy it online from this web site or you can buy it from other electronics distributer or shops. Another product from cytron that can used to burn the program to the IC is SK40B. SK40B has more function and much easier.
UIC00A (USB ICSP PIC Programmer)
UIC-S (UIC00A socket)
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